Water Damage Repair Vancouver

Vancouver’s best choice for quick and affordable mobile phone and tablet repair. If you have a water-damaged phone or tablet, you can now mail your phone to us for quick and easy repair, postage paid. We now have a pick-up & drop-off service for a small additional fee.

Mail-in Phone Repair - FREE Shipping

Water Damage Repair - Frequently Asked Questions

Can you fix my phone when dropped accidently in water?

Is your iPhone or iPad not turning on because it was accidentally dropped into the water? Cellfixx can repair water-damaged devices.

Water damage in iPhones and iPads can occur when liquid like water enters your device. It can happen if the device gets dropped into a pool, toilet, or water tank, for that matter. However, unknown to many, your device can incur water damage when at the gym, hiking, biking, and playing golf. When dealing with water damage, it is essential to act fast. You should call our water damage repair Vancouver immediately and send your device for immediate repair.

What does a water damage iPhone and iPad look like?

The damage can be both invisible and apparent. You might see small bubbles directly under the screen, discoloration around the charging port, or corrosion. However, in most cases, a physical inspection isn’t instantly apparent from the outside.

One way to check for water damage in an iPhone, especially the later models takes by the LCI or Liquid Contact Indicator. In older iPhones like 4s and earlier, it (LCI) will be around the headphone jack or the charging port. You’ll find the LCI near the SIM card slot.

What our customers say

Your Device Can Be Fixed

Did You Know That 80% Of Water Damaged iPhone and iPad Can Be Repaired!
Don’t settle for anyone telling you otherwise. The guys at the Genius bar may be quick to declare your device dead because they want you to buy a new one. If your device is damaged by water or any other liquid, don’t charge it, turn it off, and put it in a zip-lock bag. Then send the device to our water damage repair center in Vancouver and leave the rest to us. We have an excellent track record of fixing water and liquid damaged iPhones and iPads, so your device is in the best hands.
  • Common Water Damage Issues

    Broken hinges are a very common issue with notebooks. We can often replace or repair the hinge back to factory condition.
    • No backlight or no image solution
    • Little pixels (replace missing components by battery)
    • No touch solution
    • Blue screen of death solution
    • Will not boot
  • Tablets Can Also Be Repaired

    Power issues and power button failures are other common problems with laptops. We can replace or repair the power button back to factory condition.
    • Missing battery area components
    • Damaged connector replacement
    • Screen replacement
    • Battery replacement
    • Classic pry damage - no power/ no home button function

Find your nearest Water Damage Repair Store. We're in B.C's Biggest Cities!


6446 Fraser St,
Vancouver, BC
V5W 3A4

Consider Water Damage Repair before Buying New & Save 75%

Before you waste your hard-earned money, let us check your device is a good candidate for repair service, it’s free and fast. Cellfixx caters to most water damage repair needs and has the right resources to offer the best results. We have some of the best-resourced and skilled technicians working with us; we are proud to be among the best water damage repair centers working in Vancouver, Canada. We only use quality OEM parts for repair and charge you only if your device is repaired!

Find the right plan with us!

Choose the right phone plan with one of our trusted partners.

  • Lucky Mobile
  • Public Mobile
  • Chatr Mobile
  • Freedom Mobile

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Cell Phone Repair Burnaby