How to Fix iPhone 12 Issues of Missing 5G, Wifi, and Bluetooth?
The iPhone 12 is a powerful device with great features. Apple tries to improve their mobile phone in every new model coming out.
What to do if your Android cell phone speakers don’t work
Imagine watching a video on your Android cell phone, and some of your friends want to watch it with you, but once you disconnect your headphones, the phone speaker doesn’t work.
Why Don’t Cell Phone Giants Want You To Get Your Android or iPhone Repaired From A Local Cell Phone Repair Shop?
If you look around at a subway station or on sidewalks, you may find one thing very common, people using phones with their heads down. You may even find people snapping pictures of beautiful landscapes, but you are unaware of one thing!
X Ways You Can Get Samsung Screen Replacement Easily
Nowadays, everybody is totally dependent on their smartphones. You use it to perform different functions according to your needs. If you are a businessman, you might have to conduct a meeting with your employees or write an email to your clients.
Samsung Just Unveiled A 200-Megapixel Image Sensor
Samsung always makes an entry in the market with new technology like no one else. This time Samsung takes it further than ever before! How? By bringing us a massive 200-megapixel sensor to help us capture a photo in its true essence.
How TO Fix Your Android Cell Phone If It Doesn’t Connect TO WiFi?
If connecting your cell phone to WiFi is a problem for you, you are not alone. Many people face this kind of problem once in a while. And we understand how it can be so frustrating. Nowadays, we are mostly connected through our cell phones.
4 Common Problems With Samsung Galaxy S20 And How You Can Fix Them?
Samsung Galaxy S20 is one of the best phones you can get. It is a flagship model of the Samsung company. It is a great phone; however, it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t have any issues with it.
How To Keep Your Cell Phone From Overheating So You Don’t Have To Go For Repairs?
Are you confused about why your mobile phone gets overheated repeatedly? Maybe it’s because of some specific app, or it is happening due to streaming videos. It could be because your operating system isn’t up to date.
Should You Sell Your iPhone or Go For iPhone Glass Replacement in Vancouver?
It was a beautiful morning, and you were jogging at the track, and when you were changing the song from your iPhone, all of a sudden, you dropped it on the ground. You pick it up only to find out that the glass has shattered.
6 Things to Consider Before Handing Your Cell Phone for Repair
Cell phones have made this world a global village. You can easily contact the person who is sitting miles away from you. Either through message or voice/video call. People wouldn't have imagined that in the early nineties.