Deleting a picture on an iPhone is not basically erasing it from your phone's memory. Unless you know how to correctly delete it. Which is going into the specific photos that contain deleted images or files and deleting them from there. It tells us that your iPhone keeps a backup of all the photos you have ever taken. Even the ones you have deleted. So, when you delete a photo, it is not really gone. It is just hidden somewhere in your phone.
If you are an iPhone user, you know when you delete a picture, it asks you if you really want to delete. and when you select "delete photo," it goes into a little trash can. But in the trash area, you can see that the photos will be automatically erased after a few days. That's where your photos can be found if you accidentally delete them.
How can you undelete photos on iPhone?
- In your Photos app, tap on the Albums folder
- Scroll down and select your Recently Deleted
- If prompted, use Face ID to open this album
- Tap on the photo to open it
- Tap the Recover option at the bottom right
- Tap on Recover Photo to confirm
Never trust this folder as something that can hold your photos for a few days. You will eventually forget you had even deleted the photo and lose it forever.
So, undelete photos on your iPhone as soon as possible. Or never delete them in the first place.
There is also a way you can recover multiple photos at the same time. This method is much faster for multiple photos.
How can you undelete multiple photos at once
- Once you're in your Recently Deleted album, click on select at the top right
- Select multiple images that you want to recover
- Tap again on a photo if you want to unselect it if you've made a mistake
- Tap the Recover button
- Tap on Recover 10 Photos to confirm your action
Final Thoughts
It was the easiest and most effective method to undelete your photos on an iPhone. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below. At Cellfixx, we want the best for our readers. That is why we are here. We should also let you know that we are more than that. We at Cellfixx are one of Vancouver's most trusted cell phone repair centres. So, if you ever want a perfect phone repair, contact us!